Mountain Safety

100cm of new snow in the last week! BC Children's Hospital Foundation Charity Night TONIGHT, March 12, BUY NOW

Early Bird Full Season Passes & Spring Passes now on SALE


Camper code of conduct

Mt Seymour is dedicated to providing a safe, fun, and informative experiences for our campers, staff, and community. To assist us in offering the best possible camp experience, please review the following code of conduct:

To ensure each camper has a safe and inclusive experience at camp, we are able to provide assistive measures to accommodate specific needs and behaviours within reason. If a camper needs to be repeatedly withdrawn from activities and their behaviour is determined to be a threat to their safety or the safety of others, we will not be able to accommodate them. 

If any camper behaves in a way that negatively affects our ability to sustain a sense of respect and safe environment for every person at camp (including staff), the consequences are as follows.

Any camper that exhibits any of the following behaviours MAY be set home based on the severity of the offence. If that is the case, NO refund or credit will be issued. 

  • Inappropriate behaviour, including bullying, teasing, harassment, swearing, acts of aggression, pranks, practical jokes or disrespect of others or the environment
  • Vandalizing or intentionally damaging any camp or resort property and/or equipment
  • Stealing or borrowing without consent another’s belongings
  • Tampering with any safety devices or operations equipment, including but not limited to propane tanks, vehicles, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and tools.
  • Knowingly leaving the camp activity boundaries

We make it a priority to create a safe and respectful environment for campers, staff, and our local community. This includes the behaviour of parents, guardians, and any adult that is associated with Mt Seymour Eco-Adventure Camp or one of our campers [referred to as parent/guardian].

Any inappropriate behaviour of a parent/guardian towards Mt Seymour staff will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behaviours include but are not limited to abusive language, harassment, swearing, bullying, screaming and shouting, and aggressive acts. We have zero tolerance of any inappropriate behaviour towards any of our staff. If a parent/guardian displays any inappropriate behaviour, the associated child may be removed from camp or not permitted to register in the future. No refund will be given. If a parent/guardian has any concerns, questions, comments, or feedback, regarding their child’s experience at camp we ask that they contact our office directly.