Mountain Safety

Season pass reservations are not required on weekdays during Spring Break.

Early Bird Full Season Passes & Spring Passes now on SALE

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Lost & Found

Please read before filling out the Lost & Found form

During the months of May - November, Mt Seymour is not in full operation. As such, any lost & found items may take longer to be handed into Guest Services. 

Lost property can be located at Guest Services in the Season Pass & Ticket Office.

Mt Seymour receives a high volume of lost & found and therefore are not able to store all items for the duration of the season​.

  • Lunch containers, food items and bottles will be thrown out if not claimed within 48hrs
  • Important personal items such as cell phones, keys, wallets/credit cards, and ID will be stored until the end of the current season. Unclaimed items will then be handed into local RCMP.
  • Ski or Snowboard equipment will be kept for 14 days. After this duration, any unclaimed equipment will be donated to the Mount Seymour United Church Thrift Store, on Parkgate Avenue.
  • All other items will be stored for 7 days. After this duration, any unclaimed items will be donated to the Mount Seymour United Church Thrift Store, on Parkgate Avenue - Mount Seymour United Church - 1200 Parkgate Avenue

It is the owner's responsibility to visit the Season Pass & Ticket Office during operating hours to locate and claim your items before the end of the time period specified.

Once items have been donated, they are the property of the United Church Thrift Store and may be obtained for a donation. Mt Seymour is not responsible for any payment required to re-obtain your item/s. The United Church Thrift Store are under no obligation to return your item/s to you free of charge.

If your item is found, Guest Services will contact you via the information you provide on the form. You will not be contacted if your item has not been found.